Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Old Episodes will be up soon

Episodes of 8~11 from the old times will be back on YouTube sometime this week. When episode 11 Remake has been posted, I'll unlock all the previous Dubs I'll make public again. I feel that people shouldn't be restricted from seeing them if they want to watch them :).

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Episode 9 and 10 up

Sorry for the delay in updates. Any whoo, Episodes 9 and 10 are finally up on YouTube. Episode 12 should be up sometime in May and the latest Season 2 finale should be around in June or possibly July. Well, enjoy.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Episode 8 remake!

Episode 8 has been remade in much btter quality. I hope you guys can enjoy it. I could have also uploaded Episode 9 but my damn dad ruined everything and I can only record on Sunday. So expect episode 9 next week. The download link to the remake of Episode 8 should be up sometime this week.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Remade Episodes Will Not be exactly the same

Nothing new to report so I thought I might as well tell you guys anyways. The remakes of Season episodes will not be exactly the same(obviously considering better quality in audio) but will also have some minor changes in the story and dialogue. I'm hoping I can finish Episode 8 and 9 on Sunday and 10 and 11 by the Sunday after that in order to catch up.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Episode Remakes Begin This Sunday!

That's right. Episodes 8-11 remakes will be worked on starting this week. I just my microphone and played with it. The audio quality should be as good as the Original Arthur Dub episodes. Although Episode 12 will be delayed, at least you'll be able to enjoy better quality remakes of the first four episodes of season 2. Anyways, I hope you guys had a great Easter! I know I did :]

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Season 2 Episodes Removed

I recently removed the season 2 episodes of Arthur Dub off YouTube. I didn't delete them, just made them only accessible to myself. However, they can still be viewed and downloaded at my eSnips account. The reason for removing them is that we plan on re-doing episodes 8-11 and have them in much better quality. And episode 12 will be delayed even longer due to this. Sorry for the inconvience, guys. :(

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Possible remakes of Episodes 8-11

Seeing how I'm getting a new microphone, there might be a remake of Episodes 8-11.

Note: Sorry for the delay of episode 12, guys. I'll finish it as soon as my microphone comes.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Season 2 Finale Mostly likely to be a Recap

As we're working on Episode 12, there is possiblity that Episode 14 will be an episode where the gang as teenagers look back at their misadventures. But we still haven't made our minds about it.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Episode 12 will be Delayed Fa Sho

Sorry guys, but Episode 12 will be delayed not because I'm lazy, but because I've ordered myself a microphone so the audio quality should be much, much better starting from Episode 12 and onwards. We're currently working on Episode 12 even though we won't be recording.

Also there's a possibility that YouTube user, shirtlesslemons, who also has a dubbed Arthur series of his own might help out and voice.